Hexxa Plus Features
Themes - You can install many iPhone themes from Hexxa Plus. More than 1000+ iNifty themes and many more themes are ready to install.

Tweaks - Hexxa Plus tweak store helps to install many iPhone jailbreak tweaks such as camera tweaks, connection tweaks, setting tweaks, files tweaks, sound tweaks, Screenshots tweaks and most popular tweaks.

Popular repos - Hexxa Plus consists of many more popular repos to extract on your iPhone to install jailbreak apps and tweaks.

App Stores - You can download the most popular App stores to your iPhone from Hexxa Plus. zJailbreak, Xabsi, Bregxi, FlekSt0re Pro, CyrusHub, TopStore and more.

Premium ++ Apps - Most famous ++ apps are available on Hexxa Plus. You can Install your favorite ++ apps to your iPhone without revoking issues.

How to Use Hexxa plus
Download Hexxa Plus from the download Hexxa Plus button.
Click download now > Allow.
Go with Settings > Profile downloaded > Install > Provide the Passcode > Install.
It will download three main Hexxa Plus apps such as App Stores, Hexxa Tweaks and Repo Extractor.
Hexxa Plus Repo Extractor

Open Hexxa Plus App Store > Get Repos > choose any repo from the category > copy the repo.
Go to Hexxa Plus again > Extract repo > paste the copied URL > OK.
Hexxa Plus App Stores

Open Hexxa Plus App stores > Select any of Hexxa Plus apps and click install button > Allow.
Go with Settings > Profile downloaded > Install > Provide the Passcode > Install.
Hexxa Plus Tweaks

Open Hexxa Plus Tweak > Select any of Hexxa Plus tweak from the list > download.
Add Untrusted Shortcut to your iPhone.
It has no risk about the iPhone’s warranty.
It is no harm to your iPhone battery life.
It does not slow down the speed of your iPhone.
It is easy to install as well as easy to uninstall.
It cannot download full functional Cydia.
Full functional Sileo also cannot be downloaded.
Other iPhone Jailbreak methods
Untethered Jailbreak - This is a permanent iPhone jailbreak solution. You always allow your device to reboot without losing the jailbreak. The Untethered jailbreak works with application-based exploits on the Safari website. This works as an Online Jailbreak (NO PC jailbreak). You can complete the untethered jailbreak without getting PC support. JailbreakMe was the first and ever untethered jailbreak.
Tethered Jailbreak - This is a temporary and risky iPhone Jailbreak solution for a single device boot. When you turn off your device, it cannot complete the boot process without getting help from the computer and the computer based jailbreak tool. This will lose iPhone functionality including calls, messaging text. Redsn0w is the greatest example for tethered jailbreak.
Semi-tethered Jailbreak - Every time you restart the iPhone, it will lose jailbreak. At that time Cydia and other iPhone jailbreak tweaks did not work. It needs PC or Mac support to run the jailbreak tool again to install Cydia. Semi-tethered jailbreaks never void iPhone functionality. Checkra1n jailbreak is the best Semi-tethered jailbreak these days. It uses Checkm8 boot ROM exploit and it is unpatchable. iPhone 4S to iPhone X (A7-A11) are compatible with this semi-tethered jailbreak.
Semi-untethered Jailbreak - It will lose the Cydia after restarting the iPhone. But you can easily reinstall Cydia without getting PC support or jailbreak tools. Just run the jailbreak app, which is already installed on your iPhone from the jailbreak process to install Cydia. This is an IPA based iPhone jailbreak solution, which you are able to side-load over the lightning cable from the computer through the Cydia Impactor tool. Unc0ver, Chimera, Odyssey and Taurine jailbreak are the best examples for Semi-untethered jailbreak.